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Dear visitor,

I founded my family enterprise in 1995. The direction of my activity came natural to me as I had played percussion and loved working with wood. Our musical instruments can be easily used in musical education and music therapy and they are popular among professional musicians as well. We make not only basic percussion instruments but widen the scale with several egzotic pieces, too. We think it is our responsibility what relationship the generation just growing up has to nature and to traditional values.

Our instruments and other handicraft products are made of natural materials as wood, fruits, seeds, reed, leather, brass, coconut and so on. During procedures we use old handicraft techniques.

All our products are qualified by the Hungarian Department of Fine Arts. We hope we can greet you soon as a satisfied customer.

Drum making workshop

The activity and service of Béres Handicraft Workshop is developing from year to year. Since 2008 we provide the opportunity for kinder garten and school groups to make their own drums or other simple percussion instruments with our help. The optimal group size is 15-20 children. We take the materials (drum frame or instrument body, goat skin, pebbles, wooden parts, strings, glue etc.) and the accessories needed for the workshop with us.
The children can make their instruments with their own hands and can experience the joy of creation under our professional guidance. The workshop lasts about 2-3 hours and having finished it, they can take their instruments home. Thus we give an unforgettable experience for life to more than hundred children from year to year.

The drum and percussion instrument making workshop is a frequent and beloved colourful part of handicraft, music, folk and summer camps.

Make your own shaman drum

With fifteen years of experience we keep drum making workshops for adults individually and in smaller groups. You can make your own shaman drum under our professional guidance. Of course we give the materials (drum frame, goat, calf or deer skin) and the accessories needed. If you wish, you can use your own materials as well. In case there is no possibility of meeting and working together, we send the materials, accessories and the detailed instruction of making shaman drum illustrated with pictures by post.


We repair smaller hand drums and clay drums, put new skin on them.

Best regards:
Attila Béres